Home > FAQ > Troubleshooting > I installed the game and am having trouble getting in

I installed the game and am having trouble getting in

Contact us one of the following ways and we will be happy respond to your issue:

  1. Email your logs to us at Support@SmashYourFitness.com .
  2. In addition, feel free to use our 24-hr chat support on our website www.SmashYourFitness.com. Click on the Start Chat button on the bottom right of the screen or click Support link in the footer, which goes to our Live Help Desk or an email, if it is during off hours.

There are two ways to send us your logs:

  1. While in game, click on the Help "?" button in upper right of most screens > Click Send Logs and your logs will be automatically emailed to our Support team and Devs.
  2. Or, to send logs manually: Email us the following from the drive on which you installed Smash Your Fitness:
    1. For PC users:
      1. \Users > [USERNAME] > AppData > LocalLow > Improvement Interactive > Smash Your Fitness > We need the Player.log and Player-prev.log
      2. \Users > [USERNAME] > AppData > Roaming > Cycligent > We need the entire cade folder; you will need to zip up the folder before you send it. Simply right click on the cade folder, select "Send to" and then "Compressed (zipped) folder" or follow the instructions for compressing/zipping on your platform.

*If you are not seeing certain files, like the AppData folder, do the following: Open File Explorer / click on View > Show > Check the box next to Hidden items a PC.

2. For Mac users:

1. Users > [USERNAME] > Library > Logs > Improvement Interactive > Smash Your Fitness – send the two player logs (Player.log and Player-prev.log)

2. Users > [USERNAME] > Library > Logs > CADEsport/Cycligent – send the entire Cade folder – you will need to zip this one up. Simply right click on the cade folder, select "Send to" and then "Compressed (zipped) folder" or follow the instructions for compressing/zipping on your platform.

*If you are not seeing certain files, like the Library folder, you must use Command+Shift+. (yes, that includes the period at the end)