Home > FAQ > Troubleshooting > I cannot pair my device

I cannot pair my device

If you are having a pairing issue:

  • Device Not Found/Detected: Confirm all connections and plugs are secure. It's best to unplug and re-plug them to confirm they are fully "seated."
  • Restart the game
  • Restart the computer
  • Check that devices are not paired with another application that is still running
  • Heart Rate Monitor, Speed & Cadence Sensor: There might be an issue with the sensor of your device. Remove the battery from the heart rate monitor, or speed & cadence sensor, then put it back it in. Restart the game and try to pair equipment.
  • Trainer: Check to see if there is a firmware update for your trainer
  • Other equipment: Make sure your equipment supports either BLE (Bluetooth) or Ant+.  If not, one of our Smashometer Bundles may be purchased to facilitate Bluetooth communication to the game. Visit our website at SmashYourFitness.com or search for the FAQ "What is a Smashometer" for more information about our Smashometer
  • If you are having trouble pairing your Smashometer,
    • Make sure it is fully charged (typically takes ~ 20 minutes but can be up to a few hours) and the signal strength is good.  When the red light goes off, it is fully charged. In places where you see the battery icon (e.g., when pairing), you should also see a signal strength icon (3-bars icon), as well.
    • After installing the game, ensure Bluetooth is enabled on your computer or mobile device before you launch the game.  Also, if you are using a USB bluetooth adapter, unplug it/plug it back in and make sure it is connected well. If your device does not have Bluetooth and you need assistance, while in game, ask Smash Coach for help on the Home Screen or  use our Smash Assistant which can be found in game under the Help "?" menu or on our website (Start chat in bottom right corner) at www.SmashYourFitness.com.  You can also email us at Support@SmashYourFitness.com.  Smashometer connects to the game via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).
    • Press the power button to turn the Smashometer on (or toggle it off then on).  The green light will flash when it is on/awake and flash quickly when it is paired with Smash Your Fitness.
    • Restart Smash Your Fitness and in the pairing Wizard (hamburger menu) > Move Method > click on the Smashometer button. 

      •  A window will pop up showing the devices available to move in game. You should see Smashometer.  If the Smashometer in that pop-up window is not green, click on it to highlight it green. Then, move your Smashometer to make sure there is a number other than "0" in the third column and that it changes as you move the Smashometer.

If you still need assistance, we are here to help: Smash Assistant on our website (Start chat in bottom right corner) at www.SmashYourFitness.com or email us at Support@SmashYourFitness.com