While in game, click on the Help "?" in upper right > Forums. Alternatively, click on the following link: Smash Your Fitness Forums .
Create an account by pressing Login in the top right of the Forums screen:
- You can create a Forums' account either through your Facebook account or your email address. Click 'Login with Facebook' to register using your Facebook account, or 'Register' if using your email address.
- After you've logged in, choose Forums in the middle of the screen.
- You can share General Feedback or report an Issue.
- Press 'Ask New Question' to create a new post. In the title of the new post, we ask that you give it both a title and a 1-5 priority rating (5 being highest priority for you). You can even attach a file if you want.
- When you are done, click on 'Submit forum post.'
- After your post is submitted, others can see your post and comment on it, creating a thread.
- Forums are monitored daily and we welcome feedback.