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Does the game have bots?

The game uses Bots in several ways: 

  • Pacer Leaders: Bots that may be included in activities such as Paced Rides. These "Activity" Riders will ride to keep you within a certain heartrate zone (1-4) that is set by the activity coordinator. This coordinator can also restrict the number of Bots that are in an activity as well as their power. Great for practicing drafting and changing lanes. Try out our Paced Rides under Play Now to ride with a Pacer Leader.
  • Turing Bots: are used to fill out activities so that you never ride alone. Turing bots will ride in groups, seek the draft, and if it's a race they may sprint for the finish line.
  • Workout Bots: are used in workout activities and stay within the power ranges identified for each segment
  • Personal Bots are COMING SOON and include:
    • Constant power – for you to follow and draft
    • Controlled power – adjustable by you
    • Match power – matches you 
    • Variable power – adjusts with inclines and corners