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How does wind work in an activity?

Wind can be added to any activities created in game. Due to the real-world physics, adjustments are required to minimize drag and increase shelter from the wind.

  • First, determine if an activity has active wind. Usually, the activity creator will include active wind in the title or in the description of the activity. If they don’t, then once you are in the activity  loading (Info) screen, look for a compass icon to the right to the temperature. If wind is active, this icon will appear:

  • Once you have joined an activity with active wind, determine from what direction the wind is coming. In the upper right corner, you will see an arrow indicating the wind direction.  If, for example, the arrow is pointing straight up, you are riding in a tailwind. The arrow will rotate as you move around the map. 
  • To the left of the arrow is the wind speed in either m/s or ft/s, depending on whether you chose imperial or metric units in your Profile.  

  • To minimize the drag of the wind, you can do several things:
    • Draft: Riding close to another rider provides a benefit called draft
      • When you are in the draft, the Draft Wheel will appear to the right of the Stamina Wheel.  As the draft increases, so does the blue area.

      • The higher the blue draft area the less work you are doing to maintain that speed
      • Find another rider and position them between you and the wind
    • Shelter: Look for natural shelter along the road. Trees and buildings are an effective windbreak for a crosswind.
    • Power-Ups: Most power-ups can be an advantage, consider these two:

      • Razor Blade: will make you as thin as a razor blade, thereby minimizing the resistance
      • Quantum Shift: When you pass through another rider, your draft percentage will increase; hang out there if you can