The Power-Up card below displays the names of each section. A card will appear for each Power-Up available in an activity, if power-ups are available. You may need to scroll down to see all the power-up cards in an activity, especially if it's a multi-activity playlist.
Check below the image for more detail. Search "power-ups" in FAQs for even more information.
- Name of power-up
- Icon in game: the power-up will appear this way in the holding slot
- Quantity: number of times the power-up is refilled
- Configuration: There are five (5) types of configurations for power-ups in an activity:
- Quantity: a specific quantity in an activity
- Ability: a power-up that is on for the entire activity
- Random: adds a bit of chance to the activity
- Refill: the power-up will continue to refill
- Road/Track: they are placed randomly around the map
- Duration: how long the power-up will last when activated (infinity symbol on card if it's an Ability; stays on throughout the activity)
- Cool Down: how long before that power-up regenerates
- Description of how the power-up works