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Can I create custom keyboard shortcuts?

The game allows users to change keyboard and controller bindings and create several custom settings. This is helpful, especially if you use the game on more than one computer.

To access, click on the Gear icon (upper right corner) or use Shift+Q to open the Settings menu. Then select Input from the left-hand menu.

  1. Choose between Mouse & Keyboard or Controller, depending on the equipment you will be using.
  2. Next, choose between:
    1. Default: Settings will always revert to Default (these can be changed, but will not save when you restart the game)
    2. Custom: Create your own bindings. You can also use the "+" key to create multiple custom settings for each of the computers on which you use the game and name them appropriately:

      Examples: Mom's Laptop or Pain Cave Computer

  3. Now you can start creating your custom bindings. Each in-game function can have up to two key bindings.
    1. The function is listed on the left. Click in a box on the right and when “Waiting” appears, click on the key you want to use for the function. That key will appear in the box
    2. If LMB appears the key wasn’t captured, and you need to try it again
    3. To revert to the prior input, click in the box until "Waiting" appears