The game defaults trainer resistance to 50%, but you can easily change that setting. When you change the Trainer Resistance you will still have to put out the same amount of power; it will just feel different. For example, if you choose 50%, then your resistance will be 50% of what your trainer normally feels (at 100%). Because 25% will be easier resistance than 100%, you will pedal faster to put out the same amount of power. It is like turning a smart trainer down or off. Some may not want to go that hard, such as slow pedaling on a steep climb, others will.
If your trainer resistance is set to anything below 100%, then you will not receive as much benefit from some features in the game:
- Draft: If you are receiving 42% draft from another rider and your trainer resistance is set to 50% then it will feel like you are only getting 21% of that draft benefit
- Power-Ups: The benefit of some power-ups will also be reduced by the same percentage
The game also gives you the option to vary your trainer resistance for the:
- warmup before an activity starts
- during the activity
- cooldown after finishing the activity
Give it a try to see whether you like it or not. The choice is yours! You can change your trainer resistance either from:
- the Home Screen > User icon (top right) > Profile, OR
- an Activity, when you enter the Info (loading) page, click Assists in the top right corner