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How can I earn badges?

Level Badges (both Season & All-Time): are progressive

  • Distance
  • Duration
  • Calories
  • Elevation
  • Experience (XP)
  • Steps

Achievement Badges: earn for one-time accomplishments. We are continually created new badges for new achievements.  Check out the game for all the most recent ones!

  1. Annual Activist
    1. Ride 300 out of 365 days
    2. Any type of activity or map
    3. Any duration of play/riding
    4. Any play type 
  2. Attack Speed:
    1. Break 50 km/h (31.1 mph)
    2. Any type of activity or map
    3. Must be playing physically
  3. Consistent Cyclist:
    1. Ride 12 out of 14 days
    2. Any type of activity or map
    3. Any duration of play/riding
    4. Any play type
  4. Crazy:
    1. Ride 100 km/62.1 mi
    2. In one activity, map, or a single activity in a playlist
    3. Only Physical play
  5. Cycling Comedian: 
    1. Receive 10 laugh (face with tears) emojis
    2. Cumulative, not tied to a single activity, map or play type
  6. Damn the Torpedoes:
    1. Break 60 km/h (37.3 mph)
    2. Any type of activity or map
    3. Only Physical play
  7. Draft King:
    1. Average 15% draft for an entire activity that is at least 5 km / 3.1 mi long
    2. Any type of activity, including a single activity in a playlist, but NOT a map  
    3. Only Physical play
  8. Eighty-five Percent:
    1. Ride 6 out of 7 days
    2. Any type of activity or map
    3. Any duration of play/riding
    4. Any play mode 
  9. Extraterrestrial:
    1. Complete 8 km/4.97 mi
    2. In an activity or map, including a single activity in a playlist
    3. The map must be Sci-fi theme
    4. Only Physical play
  10. Found the Slipstream
    1. Draft for a total of 15 seconds in one activity or map
    2. Any type of activity or map, including a single activity in a playlist
    3. Only Physical play
  11. Get that Loving Feeling:
    1. Receive 10 heart emojis
    2. Cumulative, not tied to a single activity, map, or play type
  12. Give a Speech:
    1. Speak over audio for a minute
    2. In a single activity or map, including a single activity in a playlist
  13. Give that Loving Feeling:
    1. Give 10 heart emojis
    2. Cumulative, not tied to a single activity or map
    3. Any Play type, including Watch Mode
  14. Got it! – Install the game
  15. **Grinder:
    1. Complete 8 km/5 mi in a single activity on a gravel theme map
    2. Any type of activity or map, including a single activity in a playlist
    3. Only Physical play
  16. **Host it – Create a party
  17. **Jamming in the Saddle – Use music connection
  18. Just Getting Started:
    1. Ride 3 days in a row
    2. Any type of activity or map
    3. Any duration of play/riding
    4. Any play type 
  19. Knobby:
    1. Complete 8 km/4.97 mi
    2. In an activity or map, including a single activity in a playlist
    3. The map must be a Mountain bike theme
    4. Only Physical play
  20. Lead Me Out:
    1. Hit 1700 Pro watts for 1 second
    2. Any type of activity or map, including a single activity in a playlist
    3. Without the benefit of Power-Ups
    4. Only Physical play
  21. Look At Me: 
    1. Hit 700 Pro Watts for 10 consecutive seconds
    2. Any type of activity or map, including a single activity in a playlist
    3. Without the benefit of Power-Ups
    4. Only Physical play
  22. Monthly Mania: 
    1. Ride 25 out of 30 days
    2. Any type of activity or map
    3. Any duration of play/riding
    4. Any play type 
  23. Multi-Stage Rocket:        
    1. Complete a playlist consisting of at least 2 activities
    2. Any combination of activities
    3. Any duration
    4. Only Physical play
  24. Organizer – Create an activity (playlist with a single activity)
  25. **Party Animal – Complete a party
  26. Peloton Party:
    1. Complete a ride, any activity (not including maps)
    2. Any duration of ride activity
    3. Only Physical play
  27. Preposterous:
    1. Ride 121 km/75.1 mi
    2. In one activity, map or a single activity in a playlist
    3. Only Physical play
  28. Pro Pace:
    1. Break 40 km/h (24.9 mph) pro speed
    2. Any type of activity or map
    3. Only Physical play
  29. Rational:
    1. Ride 80.5 km/50 mi
    2. In one activity, map or a single activity in a playlist
    3. Only Physical play
  30. Reasonable:
    1. Ride 40 km/24.8 mi
    2. In one activity, map or a single activity in a playlist
    3. Only Physical play
  31. Roadie:
    1. Complete 8t km/4.97 mi
    2. In a single activity or map, including a single activity in a playlist
    3. The map must be a Road theme
    4. Only Physical play
  32. See Me – Share video for 10 minutes in a single activity
  33. See Me Go:
    1. Hit 1200 Pro watts for 5 consecutive seconds
    2. Any type of activity, or map including a single activity in a playlist
    3. Without the benefit of Power-Ups
    4. Only Physical play
  34. See You – Watch video for 10 minutes in a single activity
  35. Sensible:
    1. Ride 20 km/12.4 mi
    2. In one activity, map, or a single activity in a playlist
    3. Only Physical play
  36. Seriously?:
    1. Ride 161 km/100 mi
    2. In a one activity, map, or a single activity in a playlist
    3. Only Physical play
  37. **Six Degrees of Separation – Connected to Strava
  38. **Smart Ride – Use mobile connection
  39. Social Butterfly:
    1. Give 100 emojis
    2. Cumulative
    3. Any type of activity or map
    4. Any Play type 
  40. Social Influencer
    1. Receive 100 emojis
    2. Cumulative
    3. Any type of activity or map
    4. Only Physical play
  41. Speed Demon
    1. Complete any race activity (not including maps)
    2. Any duration of race activity
    3. Only Physical play
  42. Staged Event Organizer
    1. Create a playlist with more than one activity
    2. Any type of activities
    3. Any duration of activities
  43. Structured Sweat:
    1. Complete a workout activity
    2. Any duration of workout
    3. Only Physical play
  44. Talk to Me
    1. Listen to audio for 10 minutes
    2. In an activity, or map or a single activity in a playlist
    3. Any Power type 
  45. **Trackie:
    1. Complete 8 km/4.97 mi
    2. In an activity or map, including a single activity in a playlist
    3. The map must be a velodrome theme
    4. Only Physical play
  46. Whammo – Crash
  47. You Crack Me Up:
    1. Give 10 laugh (face with tears) emojis
    2. Cumulative, not tied to a single activity or map
    3. Any Power type
  48. Coming Soon - Smash Cup Badges!