Home > FAQ > Activities > Paced Rides > How do I ride in a Paced Ride?

How do I ride in a Paced Ride?

Paced Rides are steady, consistent workouts with a Pacer Leader who helps you stay "in your zone."  On the Home Screen > Play > Rides. Then, choose from any of our rides based on a rough heart-rate zones 1-4 below.  If you want to see more Paced Rides than just the four featured rides, click the More Rides button at the bottom, make your selection, then click Join to enter the loading (Info) page for that ride.  To enter the ride, click on the Join Ride button.

Tips for riding in Paced Rides:

  • Zone 1: great for warming up or cooling down
  • Zone 2: ideal for improving endurance, and building aerobic capacity
  • Zone 3: a more challenging yet steady effort that also builds aerobic capacity, and is a bit more intense than Zone 2 with potentially more climbing involved.
  • Zone 4: high intensity effort that pushes you near your limits, with more climbing involved
  • Follow the Pacer Leader for guidance.  If you fall behind a short distance or more, press the Rejoin button in the top left while in an activity to quickly return behind the leader.  If you are lapped, you will be placed with the group directly.
  • You can also set your avatar to Auto Rejoin if you fall back ~200 meters, and are not ghosted (going under 10 kph or stopped): ESC key > Assists. Upon rejoining, you'll take the first available spot behind the leader
  • The Pacer Leader will slow down for corners
  • Practice your drafting skills as it will help you sustain your speed with less work.  Get directly behind the pack, very close, and in the center for really good drafting benefit.  This is the "sweet spot" for drafting and, if you can squeeze in front of a few riders in the pack, too, that provides the best drafting.  Watch the blue in the drafting wheel (center right on screen, with wind icon) grow as your drafting percentage increases.
  • Autopilot will help you stay in the draft and avoid chasing inner corners in Paced Rides.
  • There is an orange indicator line on the Stamina Wheel showing the power necessary to maintain the current velocity.  This is helpful in any activity, such as Paced Rides, where you want to maintain a consistent power.  In most rides, the orange line is the power necessary for the rider and, in Paced Rides, the orange line is the power necessary to maintain the current velocity for the Leader.
  • The first time you enter a Paced Ride, you may be greeted with different tutorials (e.g., How to Move (Physical), Understanding the HUD, Master Virtual Gears, Maximize Your Stamina, and more) depending on your action.  You can also revisit any tutorials on the Home Screen or under the Help "?" button in the upper right of most screens.